Monday, November 26, 2012

The History of Pilates

In order to understand the basics of Pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where Pilates came from. Pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name.

Pilates was designed by a man that had many health afflictions as a child. The boy wanted to overcome the hardships he faced. He hoped exercise would not only boost his morale, but also his body's defense against his illnesses.

The year was 1880 when Joseph Pilates was born. During his youthful years, he tried a number of things to try to strengthen his body. After several failed attempts to create the perfect program for his frail form he came up with the series of movements we now know as Pilates. However, it wasn't until the 1920's that the movements Pilates created were truly perfected.

One of the things that make Pilates so great is that the movements and exercises you do seek to give you strength and flexibility, but not to build any serious amount of bulk to your frame. Pilates is not about building muscle, it is about working with your body and not against it. You need to be able to take what you have been given and make that work for you before attempting anything else and that is the philosophy that Pilates was founded on.

As you learn more about Pilates you will find that it is designed for each person's body. Pilates will align your bones through a series of movements and this will allow your body to work with less strain thanks to the activity of exercise you are achieving.

Pilates appeals to a number of people. It doesn't matter what type of person you are or what level of training your body is at. Pilates can help you improve your body's natural functioning as well as help boost confidence and your mental well being.

The most wonderful thing you will discover about Pilates is that you don't have to suffer through the movements to feel better. You are training your body with intelligent design and therefore you will not need to work twice as hard, as you may have to do with other work out programs.

Pilates was set up to create balance within your body. This will help you to realign your bones and can also help to improve your posture. Another positive feature is the lean muscles that you will form thanks to your work outs.

Pilates is excellent exercise for everyone no matter their shape or size. In fact, many videos and exercise clubs have created classes for people with disabilities, arthritis, general strength or weight loss issues, different strength issues, and even for pregnant or birthing mothers.

In the following articles we will explain how Pilates can each help these people and what the different levels mean for people taking the classes and working on gaining strength. As you will come to see Pilates is an easy and secure exercise for everyone and once you try it you will be thankful you did.

Benefit of Pilates   A Recovered Treasure: The Pilates Method   

The History of Pilates

In order to understand the basics of Pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where Pilates came from. Pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name.

Pilates was designed by a man that had many health afflictions as a child. The boy wanted to overcome the hardships he faced. He hoped exercise would not only boost his morale, but also his body's defense against his illnesses.

The year was 1880 when Joseph Pilates was born. During his youthful years, he tried a number of things to try to strengthen his body. After several failed attempts to create the perfect program for his frail form he came up with the series of movements we now know as Pilates. However, it wasn't until the 1920's that the movements Pilates created were truly perfected.

One of the things that make Pilates so great is that the movements and exercises you do seek to give you strength and flexibility, but not to build any serious amount of bulk to your frame. Pilates is not about building muscle, it is about working with your body and not against it. You need to be able to take what you have been given and make that work for you before attempting anything else and that is the philosophy that Pilates was founded on.

As you learn more about Pilates you will find that it is designed for each person's body. Pilates will align your bones through a series of movements and this will allow your body to work with less strain thanks to the activity of exercise you are achieving.

Pilates appeals to a number of people. It doesn't matter what type of person you are or what level of training your body is at. Pilates can help you improve your body's natural functioning as well as help boost confidence and your mental well being.

The most wonderful thing you will discover about Pilates is that you don't have to suffer through the movements to feel better. You are training your body with intelligent design and therefore you will not need to work twice as hard, as you may have to do with other work out programs.

Pilates was set up to create balance within your body. This will help you to realign your bones and can also help to improve your posture. Another positive feature is the lean muscles that you will form thanks to your work outs.

Pilates is excellent exercise for everyone no matter their shape or size. In fact, many videos and exercise clubs have created classes for people with disabilities, arthritis, general strength or weight loss issues, different strength issues, and even for pregnant or birthing mothers.

In the following articles we will explain how Pilates can each help these people and what the different levels mean for people taking the classes and working on gaining strength. As you will come to see Pilates is an easy and secure exercise for everyone and once you try it you will be thankful you did.

Benefit of Pilates   A Recovered Treasure: The Pilates Method   

The History of Pilates

In order to understand the basics of Pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where Pilates came from. Pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name.

Pilates was designed by a man that had many health afflictions as a child. The boy wanted to overcome the hardships he faced. He hoped exercise would not only boost his morale, but also his body's defense against his illnesses.

The year was 1880 when Joseph Pilates was born. During his youthful years, he tried a number of things to try to strengthen his body. After several failed attempts to create the perfect program for his frail form he came up with the series of movements we now know as Pilates. However, it wasn't until the 1920's that the movements Pilates created were truly perfected.

One of the things that make Pilates so great is that the movements and exercises you do seek to give you strength and flexibility, but not to build any serious amount of bulk to your frame. Pilates is not about building muscle, it is about working with your body and not against it. You need to be able to take what you have been given and make that work for you before attempting anything else and that is the philosophy that Pilates was founded on.

As you learn more about Pilates you will find that it is designed for each person's body. Pilates will align your bones through a series of movements and this will allow your body to work with less strain thanks to the activity of exercise you are achieving.

Pilates appeals to a number of people. It doesn't matter what type of person you are or what level of training your body is at. Pilates can help you improve your body's natural functioning as well as help boost confidence and your mental well being.

The most wonderful thing you will discover about Pilates is that you don't have to suffer through the movements to feel better. You are training your body with intelligent design and therefore you will not need to work twice as hard, as you may have to do with other work out programs.

Pilates was set up to create balance within your body. This will help you to realign your bones and can also help to improve your posture. Another positive feature is the lean muscles that you will form thanks to your work outs.

Pilates is excellent exercise for everyone no matter their shape or size. In fact, many videos and exercise clubs have created classes for people with disabilities, arthritis, general strength or weight loss issues, different strength issues, and even for pregnant or birthing mothers.

In the following articles we will explain how Pilates can each help these people and what the different levels mean for people taking the classes and working on gaining strength. As you will come to see Pilates is an easy and secure exercise for everyone and once you try it you will be thankful you did.

Benefit of Pilates   A Recovered Treasure: The Pilates Method   

A Recovered Treasure: The Pilates Method

Uncovered After 80 Years of Dormancy, Pilates is Far From Dead.

In a way, he's a lot like Edgar Allen Poe. The famous writer had been deceased for many years before he miraculously cracked super-stardom, his once-buried work revamped from the ashes to be relished by millions and millions of literature fans.

Well, Joseph Pilates is not Edgar Allen Poe. The German immigrant is hardly a household name in 1999, but just like Poe, some thirty-two years after his death, his lost treasures are now being discovered as genius works of art.

You've seen the countless infomercials in the middle of the night, boasting this piece of exercise equipment and that toning apparatus. They usually get a famous retired athlete like Joe Montana to endorse it and swear by it. You'll actually watch for a minute and a half before realizing that you just wasted 90 seconds of your life.

But the word is out that the Pilates Method is different. This one actually works.

That's why, if you look around, Pilates studios are cropping everywhere throughout the United States. Many health clubs are offering Pilates classes on a regular basis and more and more Pilates machines are filling household closets where those dusty sets of golf clubs used to rest.

Upon arriving in New York City from Germany, Mr. Pilates primarily created his method of fitness to benefit the dance community, as it was a success along Broadway in the 1920's. The exercises provided dancers with that much-needed agility and grace.

Now, in New York City alone, there are about 40 different studios where the Pilates Method is taught with more cropping up every day.

But the Pilates Method has not been restricted to just exercise outlets. All kinds of hospitals, clinics, and health centers are pulling in these machines to treat patients with spinal injuries, back ailments, and shoulder cuff problems, just to name a few.

The Pilates Method is essentially an exercise that combines toning and stretching, utilizing a series of rhythmic movements to achieve balance and grace. It does not have the effects of heavy free weights or Nautilus machines. The exercises you perform are very smooth and controlled and require specific movements from isolated muscle groups.

The common Pilates apparatus, called the Universal Reformer, looks almost like a magic carpet. Depending on the exercise, your body weight will rest on the padded platform, which moves along the base of the machine through a series of pulleys. The motions are performed with cables and a series of different handles, depending on what motion you're performing.

These exercises are not performed in sets, really. It is a long, continual motion that will target balance and flexibility, every bit as much as it targets strength and conditioning. You can do an exercise for nearly a half-hour, if you'd like.

What's interesting about Pilates is that there are no weights involved. No adjusting the resistance, no sliding that pin down a couple of plates. The resistance is you! When your pulling the cables in toward your chest, the weight that your pulling is simply your own body weight. And the magic carpet takes away the use of gravity during the exercise; only your specific muscles being worked is what creates any sort of movement and stability.

Aside from toning up the torso, the Pilates Method also helps you achieve healthy breathing and relaxation while vastly increasing stamina.

With the benefits seemingly unlimited, perhaps the Pilates Method is a wise choice for an alternate route if you're becoming worn out from those pounding aerobics classes or squeaky Nautilus machines. Or perhaps you're always one to jump on the latest fitness craze, and for thousands of Americans and patrons worldwide, Pilates is certainly that.

Benefit of Pilates   A Recovered Treasure: The Pilates Method   

Benefit of Pilates

One of the main benefits of Pilates is it refreshes your physical and mental well-being. Pilates is a series of controlled movements that unite the body and mind and creates a direct connection to the muscles.

The benefit of Pilates is it helps condition your body without punishing it. It is designed to stretch and strengthen muscle without adding bulk.

The Pilates abdominal exercises require mental concentration along with coordinated breathing beginning in the body's core (abdomen, back and buttocks) to build a balanced strength and agility in your body.

Joseph Pilates, a legendary physical trainer, developed this exercise system in the 1920's. Pilates routines can benefit men and women of any age no matter what physical condition you are in.

It was designed for people who recognize the importance of providing a firm support system for the spine. Pilates movement places its focus on the body's core. It works the deep muscles in the body creating a strong center.

Pilates is more precise movements rather than a lot of repetitions of an exercise. It adds heightened body awareness and control because the mind engages the body during movement. Controlled breathing accompanies that movement.

One of the exciting aspects of Pilates is that almost anyone can do it. There is no bouncing, jarring or stress to your body and it can be done almost anywhere at anytime.

Some of the Pilate routines take less than 10 minutes and are ideal for people who say they don't have enough time to exercise. Who can't squeeze in 10 minutes out of your day to improve your health and well being?

Some of the basic principles of the Pilates philosophy include concentration and control. The emphasis is on the quality of the movement and not the number of repetitions.

Pilates movement also includes centering and breathing which focuses attention to the body's core and breathing properly to oxygenate the entire body and cleanse it of impurities.

Pilates teaches balance and control of the body and mind, strengthens bone density while improving muscle strength, flexibility and posture. With Pilates you can even train the mind to relax and control stress.

You create the ability to maintain proper posture, increase joint range of motion, acquire a flat lean stomach, improve circulation, have more stamina and better coordination.

The Pilate movements start, stay and end in the core. The benefit of Pilates are both emotional and physical. Pilate routines help you achieve inner awareness and calm along with a sense of mastering the mind and body.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

A Recovered Treasure: The Pilates Method   

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chess Basics and Strategy to Dominate the Home Game - Beat Your Friends at Chess 1

4 Basic Chess Strategy Factors

In general, we will focus on four basic factors that need to be taken into account when choosing your opening. Each opening in this book will include a gauge to measure how powerful each opening is for each factor. Keeping these factors in mind during the entire course of the game will give you a good idea of how to react to any situation.


Tempo means making every move count. It's closely related to speed, and is needed both offensively and defensively. To keep tempo when opening, one must avoid moving the same piece twice. Another way to loose tempo is to move pieces that do not work together or do not accomplish anything quickly.

Keeping tempo throughout the opening means more flexibility, quicker attacks, and a more fluid defense. On higher levels of play, being a single move ahead in tempo is a solid advantage. On the home game level, a mistake in tempo is much more likely and therefore the advantage from keeping your tempo can be enormous.

Center Pawns:

Despite their appearance, pawns may just be the most powerful piece in the game. Think about it - the only piece worth trading for a pawn is a pawn. Forcing your opponent to trade when you have better center pawn control will give you an advantage and give your opponent a chance to make the game ending mistake.

Having pawns in the center means having pawns that are either positioned in, or able to attack, the four squares in the middle of the board. This can drastically reduce your opponents options, and eventually tighten a noose that will likely end in your victory. Just don't forget to keep the pawns protected from a distance. As long as your center pawns are protected, you want them up as far as physically possible.

Minor Pieces:

Minor pieces are everything other than pawns, the king, and the queen. Advancing the minor pieces is vital to both attack and defense. Where you place your pawns early on will be the biggest factor in how easily your minor pieces can advance.

The most important role of minor pieces is to put pressure on the opponent's king. This pressure doesn't just mean an immediate checkmate but also includes locking down the minor pieces or queen of your opponent, forcing them not to move and expose the king.

King Safety:

While some players may prefer more aggressive strategies, the defensive player will be most interested in this factor. The first opening we will work through is a perfect example of a formation with high king safety. Check our ebook for more beginner chess openings.

The king is typically safest after castling, which can be performed as soon as there are no pieces between the king and one of the rooks. The king is even safer if there are also a number of pawns close by. Openings which leave room for the king to castle, and don't remove defensive pawns, will develop a safer king.

What Are The Advantages of Article Marketing For Your Online Business?

Article marketing is the most popular internet marketing method to promote a business. Internet surfers just can't get enough information. With more and more people getting online everyday the demand for information just keeps on rising. You have the opportunity to full-fill the rising demand for information through articles while creating a successful business online.

Article marketing advantages:

1. You will build a name for yourself and gain respect in the niche you're trying to reach. By writing informative articles that people want to read you are establishing yourself as an authority and people will be more likely to buy what you have to offer.

2. It is very cost-effective and is free when you do all the work yourself. You will only be out the cost of time and energy you put into researching and writing. However, if you do not write well you can find affordable ghost writers that will let you put your name on the article.

3. You are building inbound links to your website. You get one-way links to your website from the link you place in the resource box. Once a reader finishes reading your article the resource box will entice the reader to visit your website. These links will also help your search engine ranking because search engines love one-way links.

4. Articles help you reach a larger target audience and provide additional avenues for potential customers to find your website. You will be specifically targeting people who are truly interested in what you are writing about and are more likely to buy what you have to offer.

5. You can use long tail keywords to draw highly targeted traffic. These are keyword phrases that are 3-5 words long. They usually have less competition which means it will be easier to achieve better rankings in the search engine listings. Better ranking leads to an increase in traffic and potentially more sales. Since they are relevant to your website you also will be increasing the SEO of your content your business website.

As you can see there are several advantages. This is why article marketing is largely used by many and is an extremely popular method for promoting an online business. If you use article marketing wisely you will gain the needed attention that will propel your online business to success.

5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   Websites That Have the Most Interesting, Relevant, and Engaging Articles   Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Increase Your Profits With Article Writing

Writing articles and publishing them in online article directories is the easiest and fastest way to bring traffic to your website. It is also free! Not only is it free but your articles will be out on the web indefinitely.

Use that knowledge you received in high school or English 101 in college and put it to use in writing articles. It took me half a day to write my first article but after I got the hang of it I can put together an article and have it submitted in one hour.

Those that have a business or product to sell can profit by writing articles and submitting them in one or more article directories such as EzineArticles. This in turn will bring traffic to your website.

People that read articles are looking for information so it is beneficial to have several niches (specialized market) in which to write your articles about. For instance, if your business is in network marketing you can write articles about making videos, home business, website making, becoming an entrepreneur, etc. All these articles will have something in common that can be directed to your website. You have to find a way to make sure your article can be directed to your website. You can't have a website on computer technology and write an article on how to swim. There isn't anything in common.

Article writing isn't an art. Anyone can do it. Most article directories provide teaching tools and guidelines on what they want in the articles you submit to them. It requires a very simple learning curve to write articles. Once you get the hang of it you will find out how easy it is.

One thing you can't do is copy someone else's article and submit it as your own. This is called plagiarism and you will be banned from article directories if you are caught doing that. What you can do is find two or three articles on a subject you want to write about and then pick out information that you would like to share and then rewrite the information and formulate it into your article. Especially if you are writing an article on a subject you know nothing about, this is the perfect way to write an article and then get the traffic it will bring to your website.

Article writing is something I am good at and I enjoy doing. If you decide to write articles like I do then make it a set goal to write so many per week and then stick with it. You will profit from the results.

5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   Websites That Have the Most Interesting, Relevant, and Engaging Articles   Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Outdoor Slipcovers, Make Your Patio Furniture Look New Again

Would you like to avoid going into summer with worn out weathered patio furniture? Why not make your furniture look new again with outdoor slipcovers? Even the oldest, most worn out furniture can be freshened up with new slipcovers. Outdoor slipcovers also have the added benefit of protecting the furniture from the sun's beating rays as well as preventing water damage from rain and snow.

If a new look for your patio area is what you want, you could always rearrange the furniture layout. You could also add more furniture or an accent piece such as a small table or maybe even a fire pit ring. Finally, if you are looking to make a big difference with a very small upfront cost, you could try painting or staining your patio furniture for a new freshened up look. Sometimes it's just amazing how big of a difference a little bit of paint can make.

Of all methods discussed, outdoor slipcovers are among the easiest to implement. You simply measure your furniture, select the type of fabric and then order them online. Of course if you have excellent sewing skills then you might even be able to make your own covers. Just make sure you select the right kind of fabric and get the seams reinforced well. You want to be sure they will be durable and last for years to come. Of course, if you order online, you only have to measure your furniture since the slipcovers will be professionally made.

Once your outdoor slipcovers are delivered, the looks of your patio space can easily be changed simply by installing them on your furniture. The really nice thing about slipcovers is they provide protection for the entire piece of furniture, not just the cushion. Many outdoor slipcovers will also fit over wood furniture, thereby prolonging the life of furniture stored outdoors year round.

Many people also love outdoor slipcovers because they are very easy to take care of. Just remove them from the furniture and put them into a clothes washer. Try doing that with a large cushion from a chaise lounge. It's pretty much impossible.

The next time you want to jazz up your outdoor patio area, consider all your options. You could rearrange the layout of your furniture or add small, visual appealing accessories such as potted plants or statuary. You could even put the work in to repaint or stain your furniture or deck boards, but if you want something to cover the worn or weathered look of your patio furniture, then outdoor slipcovers should fit the bill.

Choosing the Right Deck Builder   Understanding Pressure Washing   Electric Patio Cooler   Elegant Exterior Designs With A Simple Stencil   Tips to Construct a Perfect Deck   

Book Summary: EVEolution

For any business to survive today, it needs to understand how to market to women. The fact is women make 80% of all purchasing decisions. Women are brand loyalists. Your product or service must address their complex, multiple lives as home managers, home-workers, entrepreneurs, caretakers of elderly parents, and professionals. Build a lasting, meaningful relationship with your female customer. EVEolutionize your business before it's too late!

Understand the eight truths about marketing to women:

1. Connecting your female consumers to each other connects them to your brand. Women need a "backyard fence" to talk to each other. If your brand is marketed in such a way that it connects women to each other as a community, a group, sisters, mothers and daughters and friends, they will embrace your brand into their everyday lives.

The web communities such as iVillage,, and are just a few of the examples of women being linked together. Through EVEolution, and with the help of Faith Popcorn's consultancy firm, BrainReserve, Snackwell's launched a program of Mother-Daughter workshops across the US. It bonded mothers and daughters, reinforced the idea of eating healthy, while nurturing a positive self-image and attitude about food to pre-teen girls.

2. If you're marketing to one of her lives, you're missing all the others. From home office services, to cameras keeping an eye on her kids at daycare, if your brand markets to her merged professional and personal lives, then you will win her heart. Women need assistance in running all the facets of their lives. Appeal to her need for convenience. Give her a solution for her perennial problem of what to fix for dinner tonight. Supply her with support for dog-walking, childcare, telecommuting. Deliver her dry cleaning, diapers, and pizza, run her errands, so she can find more time to just relax at home with her kids. Acknowledge that she thinks about her family while she is at work, and provide her with a service that gives her peace of mind.

3. If she has to ask, it's too late. Anticipate her needs. Women are the same whether it's personal or work. If her husband doesn't anticipate what she needs, she may be disappointed in him. If an employer doesn't anticipate she needs a nursery near the office, and fairer compensation, she may consider another EVEolutionized company that offers more mother-friendly perks.

How to become more Anticipatory than merely Reactive: Women must be in on the planning every step of the way. Talk to consumers in ways that inspire innovative thinking.

4. Market to her peripheral vision and she will see you in a whole new light. Women are attentive to the small details men miss. They will go out and shop for that suit they saw on Diane Sawyer last night while watching the news. Starbucks is one company that is EVEolved all around. The female customer can enjoy her coffee in a bright, clean place with a well-stocked restroom (a must if you want to attract women) and she can purchase the in-house music on CD or a cookie for her toddler in tow. Work on the subtle details surrounding your brand, the store music, the way your menu is designed, the uniforms of your waitresses or sales representatives. She will more likely notice these things than if you assault her with aggressive advertising or bothersome phone calls. .

5. Walk, run, go to her, secure her loyalty forever. The Avon lady was just the first step. She was born in an age when women stayed at home because they were mainly housewives. Today, women don't want to make that extra trip to the grocery or salon because they are simply exhausted. If you can provide her quality service at home, at the times when she is at home, your brand will be indispensable. Why not supply her groceries on a monthly basis? Go to her, because frankly, she doesn't have the time to go looking for you.

6. This generation of women consumers will lead you to the next. Practice the brand-me-down approach. The detergent a woman uses is most likely the brand her mother always used. Household names are what they are because women run the household. In Asian markets where family ties are strong, the brand-me-down approach will definitely sell. Attaching a brand to the name Mother will have a strong identification with quality and trust. Hold mother's day events or family day events and strengthen your commitment to her.

7. Co-parenting is the best way to raise a brand. Ask her how she feels, what colors she prefers, how does she think she can be served best? When was the last time you asked her for feedback and actually responded by redesigning your product?

8. Everything matters - you can't hide behind your logo. Women look for integrity in a brand. From the way you treat your employees, your CEO's personal life, to issues like animal testing, environmentally sound practices, and raw materials sourcing. You need to walk your talk and back up your claim. Women don't simply look for value in a brand. They look for Values.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers and More! BusinessSummaries is a service.

(c) Copyright 2001-2005,

Book Summary: EVEolution

For any business to survive today, it needs to understand how to market to women. The fact is women make 80% of all purchasing decisions. Women are brand loyalists. Your product or service must address their complex, multiple lives as home managers, home-workers, entrepreneurs, caretakers of elderly parents, and professionals. Build a lasting, meaningful relationship with your female customer. EVEolutionize your business before it's too late!

Understand the eight truths about marketing to women:

1. Connecting your female consumers to each other connects them to your brand. Women need a "backyard fence" to talk to each other. If your brand is marketed in such a way that it connects women to each other as a community, a group, sisters, mothers and daughters and friends, they will embrace your brand into their everyday lives.

The web communities such as iVillage,, and are just a few of the examples of women being linked together. Through EVEolution, and with the help of Faith Popcorn's consultancy firm, BrainReserve, Snackwell's launched a program of Mother-Daughter workshops across the US. It bonded mothers and daughters, reinforced the idea of eating healthy, while nurturing a positive self-image and attitude about food to pre-teen girls.

2. If you're marketing to one of her lives, you're missing all the others. From home office services, to cameras keeping an eye on her kids at daycare, if your brand markets to her merged professional and personal lives, then you will win her heart. Women need assistance in running all the facets of their lives. Appeal to her need for convenience. Give her a solution for her perennial problem of what to fix for dinner tonight. Supply her with support for dog-walking, childcare, telecommuting. Deliver her dry cleaning, diapers, and pizza, run her errands, so she can find more time to just relax at home with her kids. Acknowledge that she thinks about her family while she is at work, and provide her with a service that gives her peace of mind.

3. If she has to ask, it's too late. Anticipate her needs. Women are the same whether it's personal or work. If her husband doesn't anticipate what she needs, she may be disappointed in him. If an employer doesn't anticipate she needs a nursery near the office, and fairer compensation, she may consider another EVEolutionized company that offers more mother-friendly perks.

How to become more Anticipatory than merely Reactive: Women must be in on the planning every step of the way. Talk to consumers in ways that inspire innovative thinking.

4. Market to her peripheral vision and she will see you in a whole new light. Women are attentive to the small details men miss. They will go out and shop for that suit they saw on Diane Sawyer last night while watching the news. Starbucks is one company that is EVEolved all around. The female customer can enjoy her coffee in a bright, clean place with a well-stocked restroom (a must if you want to attract women) and she can purchase the in-house music on CD or a cookie for her toddler in tow. Work on the subtle details surrounding your brand, the store music, the way your menu is designed, the uniforms of your waitresses or sales representatives. She will more likely notice these things than if you assault her with aggressive advertising or bothersome phone calls. .

5. Walk, run, go to her, secure her loyalty forever. The Avon lady was just the first step. She was born in an age when women stayed at home because they were mainly housewives. Today, women don't want to make that extra trip to the grocery or salon because they are simply exhausted. If you can provide her quality service at home, at the times when she is at home, your brand will be indispensable. Why not supply her groceries on a monthly basis? Go to her, because frankly, she doesn't have the time to go looking for you.

6. This generation of women consumers will lead you to the next. Practice the brand-me-down approach. The detergent a woman uses is most likely the brand her mother always used. Household names are what they are because women run the household. In Asian markets where family ties are strong, the brand-me-down approach will definitely sell. Attaching a brand to the name Mother will have a strong identification with quality and trust. Hold mother's day events or family day events and strengthen your commitment to her.

7. Co-parenting is the best way to raise a brand. Ask her how she feels, what colors she prefers, how does she think she can be served best? When was the last time you asked her for feedback and actually responded by redesigning your product?

8. Everything matters - you can't hide behind your logo. Women look for integrity in a brand. From the way you treat your employees, your CEO's personal life, to issues like animal testing, environmentally sound practices, and raw materials sourcing. You need to walk your talk and back up your claim. Women don't simply look for value in a brand. They look for Values.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers and More! BusinessSummaries is a service.

(c) Copyright 2001-2005,

Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office 101 - A Book Summary

Dr. Frankel clearly identifies the common mistakes -101 in all--that women commit unconsciously to sabotage their careers. This book provides revolutionary guides to help the women of today eliminate the girl-like behaviors they became accustomed with, which hold them back professionally.

How You Play the Game

Unfortunately, women are not as trained to participate in competitive sports. It is only recently that women started making their marks in this field. Thus, most women do not know the rules of the game of business. They simply do not know how to play it--and more importantly, how to win it.

Some of the common mistakes women commit as they play the game of business are: pretending it isn't a game; playing the game safely and within bounds; working hard; doing the what you want; avoiding office politics; being the conscience; protecting jerks; holding your tongue; failing to capitalize on relationships; and, not understanding the needs of your constituents.

How You Act

Being successful in the world of business is not only dependent on your knowledge of how to play it. It is also important to know how to act, professionally. Dr. Frankel enumerates some unlikely behaviors in the workplace that can be hard career busters.

These are: polling before making a decision; needing to be liked; not needing to be liked; not asking questions for fear of sounding stupid; acting like a man; telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth (so help you God); sharing too much personal information; being overly concerned with offending others; denying the importance of money; flirting; acquiescing to bullies; decorating your office like your living room; feeding others; offering a limp handshake; being financially insecure; and, helping.

How You Think

Changing the way you think can greatly impact a change in your career. Note the beliefs and thought patterns you learn early in girlhood that you need to reconsider and then eventually forget.

Some of these are: making miracles; taking full responsibility; obediently following instructions; viewing men in authority as father figures; limiting your possibilities; ignoring the quid pro quo (something that's exchanged in return for something else); skipping meetings; putting work ahead of your personal life; letting people waste your time; prematurely abandoning your career goals; ignoring the importance of network relationships; refusing perks; making up negative stories; and, striving for perfection.

How You Brand and Market Yourself

Marketing oneself is as important as marketing a specific brand. Think of yourself as a brand that's needs to be marketed effectively. Alongside these come some important points that women need to particularly remember.

The following are some mistakes to avoid in marketing yourself: falling to define your brand; minimizing your work or position; using only your nickname or first name; waiting to be noticed; refusing high-profile assignments; being modest; staying in you safety zone; giving away your ideas; working in stereotypical roles or departments; ignoring feedback; and, being invisible;

How You Sound

Put special attention to your choice words, tone of voice, speed of speech and thought organization process. These usually matter more than the content of your speech. An articulately delivered speech will help you be branded as knowledgeable, confident and competent. Remember, how you sound comprises 90% of your credibility.

Take note of these common mistakes: couching statements as questions; using preambles; explaining; asking permission; apologizing; using minimizing words; using qualifiers; not answering the question; talking too fast; the inability to speak the language of your business; using nonwords; using touchy-feely language; sandwich-effect; speaking softly; speaking at a higher-than-natural pitch; trailing voice mails; failing to pause or reflect before responding.

How You Look

There is this common notion that "the best and the brightest are rewarded with promotions and choice assignments." This is entirely wrong. Those who are competent enough, sound and look good are the ones who

move forward in their careers. Statistically, research shows that 55% of your credibility comes from how you look; 38% from how you sound; and, only 7% from what you actually say.

Carry yourself properly by avoiding these mistakes: smiling inappropriately; taking up too little space; using gestures inconsistent with your message; being over- or underanimated; tilting your head; wearing inappropriate makeup; wearing the wrong hairstyle; dressing inappropriately; sitting on your foot; grooming in public; sitting in meetings with your hands under the table; wearing your reading glasses around your neck; accessorizing too much; and, failing to maintain eye contact;

How You Respond

It is important to know how to respond to the ways others treat you. And some of the common pitfalls women do as a response to a certain gesture are as follows:

Internalizing messages; believing others know more than you; taking notes, getting coffee, and making copies; tolerating inappropriate behavior; exhibiting too much patience; accepting dead-end assignments; putting the needs of others before your own; denying your power; allowing yourself to be the scapegoat; accepting fait accompli (irreversible or predetermined decisions); permitting others' mistakes to inconvenience you; being the last to speak; playing the gender card; tolerating sexual harassment; and, crying.

Benefit of Pilates

One of the main benefits of Pilates is it refreshes your physical and mental well-being. Pilates is a series of controlled movements that unite the body and mind and creates a direct connection to the muscles.

The benefit of Pilates is it helps condition your body without punishing it. It is designed to stretch and strengthen muscle without adding bulk.

The Pilates abdominal exercises require mental concentration along with coordinated breathing beginning in the body's core (abdomen, back and buttocks) to build a balanced strength and agility in your body.

Joseph Pilates, a legendary physical trainer, developed this exercise system in the 1920's. Pilates routines can benefit men and women of any age no matter what physical condition you are in.

It was designed for people who recognize the importance of providing a firm support system for the spine. Pilates movement places its focus on the body's core. It works the deep muscles in the body creating a strong center.

Pilates is more precise movements rather than a lot of repetitions of an exercise. It adds heightened body awareness and control because the mind engages the body during movement. Controlled breathing accompanies that movement.

One of the exciting aspects of Pilates is that almost anyone can do it. There is no bouncing, jarring or stress to your body and it can be done almost anywhere at anytime.

Some of the Pilate routines take less than 10 minutes and are ideal for people who say they don't have enough time to exercise. Who can't squeeze in 10 minutes out of your day to improve your health and well being?

Some of the basic principles of the Pilates philosophy include concentration and control. The emphasis is on the quality of the movement and not the number of repetitions.

Pilates movement also includes centering and breathing which focuses attention to the body's core and breathing properly to oxygenate the entire body and cleanse it of impurities.

Pilates teaches balance and control of the body and mind, strengthens bone density while improving muscle strength, flexibility and posture. With Pilates you can even train the mind to relax and control stress.

You create the ability to maintain proper posture, increase joint range of motion, acquire a flat lean stomach, improve circulation, have more stamina and better coordination.

The Pilate movements start, stay and end in the core. The benefit of Pilates are both emotional and physical. Pilate routines help you achieve inner awareness and calm along with a sense of mastering the mind and body.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

Benefit of Pilates

One of the main benefits of Pilates is it refreshes your physical and mental well-being. Pilates is a series of controlled movements that unite the body and mind and creates a direct connection to the muscles.

The benefit of Pilates is it helps condition your body without punishing it. It is designed to stretch and strengthen muscle without adding bulk.

The Pilates abdominal exercises require mental concentration along with coordinated breathing beginning in the body's core (abdomen, back and buttocks) to build a balanced strength and agility in your body.

Joseph Pilates, a legendary physical trainer, developed this exercise system in the 1920's. Pilates routines can benefit men and women of any age no matter what physical condition you are in.

It was designed for people who recognize the importance of providing a firm support system for the spine. Pilates movement places its focus on the body's core. It works the deep muscles in the body creating a strong center.

Pilates is more precise movements rather than a lot of repetitions of an exercise. It adds heightened body awareness and control because the mind engages the body during movement. Controlled breathing accompanies that movement.

One of the exciting aspects of Pilates is that almost anyone can do it. There is no bouncing, jarring or stress to your body and it can be done almost anywhere at anytime.

Some of the Pilate routines take less than 10 minutes and are ideal for people who say they don't have enough time to exercise. Who can't squeeze in 10 minutes out of your day to improve your health and well being?

Some of the basic principles of the Pilates philosophy include concentration and control. The emphasis is on the quality of the movement and not the number of repetitions.

Pilates movement also includes centering and breathing which focuses attention to the body's core and breathing properly to oxygenate the entire body and cleanse it of impurities.

Pilates teaches balance and control of the body and mind, strengthens bone density while improving muscle strength, flexibility and posture. With Pilates you can even train the mind to relax and control stress.

You create the ability to maintain proper posture, increase joint range of motion, acquire a flat lean stomach, improve circulation, have more stamina and better coordination.

The Pilate movements start, stay and end in the core. The benefit of Pilates are both emotional and physical. Pilate routines help you achieve inner awareness and calm along with a sense of mastering the mind and body.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

Benefit of Pilates

One of the main benefits of Pilates is it refreshes your physical and mental well-being. Pilates is a series of controlled movements that unite the body and mind and creates a direct connection to the muscles.

The benefit of Pilates is it helps condition your body without punishing it. It is designed to stretch and strengthen muscle without adding bulk.

The Pilates abdominal exercises require mental concentration along with coordinated breathing beginning in the body's core (abdomen, back and buttocks) to build a balanced strength and agility in your body.

Joseph Pilates, a legendary physical trainer, developed this exercise system in the 1920's. Pilates routines can benefit men and women of any age no matter what physical condition you are in.

It was designed for people who recognize the importance of providing a firm support system for the spine. Pilates movement places its focus on the body's core. It works the deep muscles in the body creating a strong center.

Pilates is more precise movements rather than a lot of repetitions of an exercise. It adds heightened body awareness and control because the mind engages the body during movement. Controlled breathing accompanies that movement.

One of the exciting aspects of Pilates is that almost anyone can do it. There is no bouncing, jarring or stress to your body and it can be done almost anywhere at anytime.

Some of the Pilate routines take less than 10 minutes and are ideal for people who say they don't have enough time to exercise. Who can't squeeze in 10 minutes out of your day to improve your health and well being?

Some of the basic principles of the Pilates philosophy include concentration and control. The emphasis is on the quality of the movement and not the number of repetitions.

Pilates movement also includes centering and breathing which focuses attention to the body's core and breathing properly to oxygenate the entire body and cleanse it of impurities.

Pilates teaches balance and control of the body and mind, strengthens bone density while improving muscle strength, flexibility and posture. With Pilates you can even train the mind to relax and control stress.

You create the ability to maintain proper posture, increase joint range of motion, acquire a flat lean stomach, improve circulation, have more stamina and better coordination.

The Pilate movements start, stay and end in the core. The benefit of Pilates are both emotional and physical. Pilate routines help you achieve inner awareness and calm along with a sense of mastering the mind and body.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

Benefit of Pilates

One of the main benefits of Pilates is it refreshes your physical and mental well-being. Pilates is a series of controlled movements that unite the body and mind and creates a direct connection to the muscles.

The benefit of Pilates is it helps condition your body without punishing it. It is designed to stretch and strengthen muscle without adding bulk.

The Pilates abdominal exercises require mental concentration along with coordinated breathing beginning in the body's core (abdomen, back and buttocks) to build a balanced strength and agility in your body.

Joseph Pilates, a legendary physical trainer, developed this exercise system in the 1920's. Pilates routines can benefit men and women of any age no matter what physical condition you are in.

It was designed for people who recognize the importance of providing a firm support system for the spine. Pilates movement places its focus on the body's core. It works the deep muscles in the body creating a strong center.

Pilates is more precise movements rather than a lot of repetitions of an exercise. It adds heightened body awareness and control because the mind engages the body during movement. Controlled breathing accompanies that movement.

One of the exciting aspects of Pilates is that almost anyone can do it. There is no bouncing, jarring or stress to your body and it can be done almost anywhere at anytime.

Some of the Pilate routines take less than 10 minutes and are ideal for people who say they don't have enough time to exercise. Who can't squeeze in 10 minutes out of your day to improve your health and well being?

Some of the basic principles of the Pilates philosophy include concentration and control. The emphasis is on the quality of the movement and not the number of repetitions.

Pilates movement also includes centering and breathing which focuses attention to the body's core and breathing properly to oxygenate the entire body and cleanse it of impurities.

Pilates teaches balance and control of the body and mind, strengthens bone density while improving muscle strength, flexibility and posture. With Pilates you can even train the mind to relax and control stress.

You create the ability to maintain proper posture, increase joint range of motion, acquire a flat lean stomach, improve circulation, have more stamina and better coordination.

The Pilate movements start, stay and end in the core. The benefit of Pilates are both emotional and physical. Pilate routines help you achieve inner awareness and calm along with a sense of mastering the mind and body.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

The History of Pilates

In order to understand the basics of Pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where Pilates came from. Pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name.

Pilates was designed by a man that had many health afflictions as a child. The boy wanted to overcome the hardships he faced. He hoped exercise would not only boost his morale, but also his body's defense against his illnesses.

The year was 1880 when Joseph Pilates was born. During his youthful years, he tried a number of things to try to strengthen his body. After several failed attempts to create the perfect program for his frail form he came up with the series of movements we now know as Pilates. However, it wasn't until the 1920's that the movements Pilates created were truly perfected.

One of the things that make Pilates so great is that the movements and exercises you do seek to give you strength and flexibility, but not to build any serious amount of bulk to your frame. Pilates is not about building muscle, it is about working with your body and not against it. You need to be able to take what you have been given and make that work for you before attempting anything else and that is the philosophy that Pilates was founded on.

As you learn more about Pilates you will find that it is designed for each person's body. Pilates will align your bones through a series of movements and this will allow your body to work with less strain thanks to the activity of exercise you are achieving.

Pilates appeals to a number of people. It doesn't matter what type of person you are or what level of training your body is at. Pilates can help you improve your body's natural functioning as well as help boost confidence and your mental well being.

The most wonderful thing you will discover about Pilates is that you don't have to suffer through the movements to feel better. You are training your body with intelligent design and therefore you will not need to work twice as hard, as you may have to do with other work out programs.

Pilates was set up to create balance within your body. This will help you to realign your bones and can also help to improve your posture. Another positive feature is the lean muscles that you will form thanks to your work outs.

Pilates is excellent exercise for everyone no matter their shape or size. In fact, many videos and exercise clubs have created classes for people with disabilities, arthritis, general strength or weight loss issues, different strength issues, and even for pregnant or birthing mothers.

In the following articles we will explain how Pilates can each help these people and what the different levels mean for people taking the classes and working on gaining strength. As you will come to see Pilates is an easy and secure exercise for everyone and once you try it you will be thankful you did.

The History of Pilates

In order to understand the basics of Pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where Pilates came from. Pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name.

Pilates was designed by a man that had many health afflictions as a child. The boy wanted to overcome the hardships he faced. He hoped exercise would not only boost his morale, but also his body's defense against his illnesses.

The year was 1880 when Joseph Pilates was born. During his youthful years, he tried a number of things to try to strengthen his body. After several failed attempts to create the perfect program for his frail form he came up with the series of movements we now know as Pilates. However, it wasn't until the 1920's that the movements Pilates created were truly perfected.

One of the things that make Pilates so great is that the movements and exercises you do seek to give you strength and flexibility, but not to build any serious amount of bulk to your frame. Pilates is not about building muscle, it is about working with your body and not against it. You need to be able to take what you have been given and make that work for you before attempting anything else and that is the philosophy that Pilates was founded on.

As you learn more about Pilates you will find that it is designed for each person's body. Pilates will align your bones through a series of movements and this will allow your body to work with less strain thanks to the activity of exercise you are achieving.

Pilates appeals to a number of people. It doesn't matter what type of person you are or what level of training your body is at. Pilates can help you improve your body's natural functioning as well as help boost confidence and your mental well being.

The most wonderful thing you will discover about Pilates is that you don't have to suffer through the movements to feel better. You are training your body with intelligent design and therefore you will not need to work twice as hard, as you may have to do with other work out programs.

Pilates was set up to create balance within your body. This will help you to realign your bones and can also help to improve your posture. Another positive feature is the lean muscles that you will form thanks to your work outs.

Pilates is excellent exercise for everyone no matter their shape or size. In fact, many videos and exercise clubs have created classes for people with disabilities, arthritis, general strength or weight loss issues, different strength issues, and even for pregnant or birthing mothers.

In the following articles we will explain how Pilates can each help these people and what the different levels mean for people taking the classes and working on gaining strength. As you will come to see Pilates is an easy and secure exercise for everyone and once you try it you will be thankful you did.

The History of Pilates

In order to understand the basics of Pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where Pilates came from. Pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name.

Pilates was designed by a man that had many health afflictions as a child. The boy wanted to overcome the hardships he faced. He hoped exercise would not only boost his morale, but also his body's defense against his illnesses.

The year was 1880 when Joseph Pilates was born. During his youthful years, he tried a number of things to try to strengthen his body. After several failed attempts to create the perfect program for his frail form he came up with the series of movements we now know as Pilates. However, it wasn't until the 1920's that the movements Pilates created were truly perfected.

One of the things that make Pilates so great is that the movements and exercises you do seek to give you strength and flexibility, but not to build any serious amount of bulk to your frame. Pilates is not about building muscle, it is about working with your body and not against it. You need to be able to take what you have been given and make that work for you before attempting anything else and that is the philosophy that Pilates was founded on.

As you learn more about Pilates you will find that it is designed for each person's body. Pilates will align your bones through a series of movements and this will allow your body to work with less strain thanks to the activity of exercise you are achieving.

Pilates appeals to a number of people. It doesn't matter what type of person you are or what level of training your body is at. Pilates can help you improve your body's natural functioning as well as help boost confidence and your mental well being.

The most wonderful thing you will discover about Pilates is that you don't have to suffer through the movements to feel better. You are training your body with intelligent design and therefore you will not need to work twice as hard, as you may have to do with other work out programs.

Pilates was set up to create balance within your body. This will help you to realign your bones and can also help to improve your posture. Another positive feature is the lean muscles that you will form thanks to your work outs.

Pilates is excellent exercise for everyone no matter their shape or size. In fact, many videos and exercise clubs have created classes for people with disabilities, arthritis, general strength or weight loss issues, different strength issues, and even for pregnant or birthing mothers.

In the following articles we will explain how Pilates can each help these people and what the different levels mean for people taking the classes and working on gaining strength. As you will come to see Pilates is an easy and secure exercise for everyone and once you try it you will be thankful you did.

A Recovered Treasure: The Pilates Method

Uncovered After 80 Years of Dormancy, Pilates is Far From Dead.

In a way, he's a lot like Edgar Allen Poe. The famous writer had been deceased for many years before he miraculously cracked super-stardom, his once-buried work revamped from the ashes to be relished by millions and millions of literature fans.

Well, Joseph Pilates is not Edgar Allen Poe. The German immigrant is hardly a household name in 1999, but just like Poe, some thirty-two years after his death, his lost treasures are now being discovered as genius works of art.

You've seen the countless infomercials in the middle of the night, boasting this piece of exercise equipment and that toning apparatus. They usually get a famous retired athlete like Joe Montana to endorse it and swear by it. You'll actually watch for a minute and a half before realizing that you just wasted 90 seconds of your life.

But the word is out that the Pilates Method is different. This one actually works.

That's why, if you look around, Pilates studios are cropping everywhere throughout the United States. Many health clubs are offering Pilates classes on a regular basis and more and more Pilates machines are filling household closets where those dusty sets of golf clubs used to rest.

Upon arriving in New York City from Germany, Mr. Pilates primarily created his method of fitness to benefit the dance community, as it was a success along Broadway in the 1920's. The exercises provided dancers with that much-needed agility and grace.

Now, in New York City alone, there are about 40 different studios where the Pilates Method is taught with more cropping up every day.

But the Pilates Method has not been restricted to just exercise outlets. All kinds of hospitals, clinics, and health centers are pulling in these machines to treat patients with spinal injuries, back ailments, and shoulder cuff problems, just to name a few.

The Pilates Method is essentially an exercise that combines toning and stretching, utilizing a series of rhythmic movements to achieve balance and grace. It does not have the effects of heavy free weights or Nautilus machines. The exercises you perform are very smooth and controlled and require specific movements from isolated muscle groups.

The common Pilates apparatus, called the Universal Reformer, looks almost like a magic carpet. Depending on the exercise, your body weight will rest on the padded platform, which moves along the base of the machine through a series of pulleys. The motions are performed with cables and a series of different handles, depending on what motion you're performing.

These exercises are not performed in sets, really. It is a long, continual motion that will target balance and flexibility, every bit as much as it targets strength and conditioning. You can do an exercise for nearly a half-hour, if you'd like.

What's interesting about Pilates is that there are no weights involved. No adjusting the resistance, no sliding that pin down a couple of plates. The resistance is you! When your pulling the cables in toward your chest, the weight that your pulling is simply your own body weight. And the magic carpet takes away the use of gravity during the exercise; only your specific muscles being worked is what creates any sort of movement and stability.

Aside from toning up the torso, the Pilates Method also helps you achieve healthy breathing and relaxation while vastly increasing stamina.

With the benefits seemingly unlimited, perhaps the Pilates Method is a wise choice for an alternate route if you're becoming worn out from those pounding aerobics classes or squeaky Nautilus machines. Or perhaps you're always one to jump on the latest fitness craze, and for thousands of Americans and patrons worldwide, Pilates is certainly that.

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